Unlocking The Treasure
The place where Tour To The Wonderful virtual participants interact.
Livestreams, Video Conferencing, Classes & Worship.
100 Blessings (On Hiatus)
Boker Ohr -Together we harvest the day's blessings.
Daily at 9:00 am while on the road
Each morning Mindy opens her zoom room for TTTW virtual tour participants to engage with each other.
Reflect, Count Blessings & Acts Of Kindness.
Come for the blessings, stay as long as you wish to connect with others.
Blessing #1 is you! Good Morning, Boker Tov.
Five at Five
Five minutes of daily community updates & Jewish insights.
Daily at 5:00 pm
Rabbi Jeffrey Glickman
Five minutes of daily community updates and Jewish insights.
In light of the health concerns of this year, each 5@5 concludes with a Mishaberach Prayer of Healing.
You are invited to submit names to be included in the broadcast.
Hosted by Temple Beth Hillel, South Windsor, CT.
Shabbat Worship
Join Temple Beth Hillel for Weekly Services
Rabbi Jeffrey Glickman
Cantor Scott Harris
Shabbat Services Live
Fridays: 6:45pm
Saturdays: 9:45am
Hebrew Next
Instructor: Mindy Glickman
Prerequisite: Knowledge of letters & vowels.
Reading Hebrew is just the beginning!
Once you know the letters, you can dig deep into the treasure chest.
Filling out the registration form to let us know your goals.
Classes will be announced according to requests.
All classes are virtual until further notice.