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Superimposed on a pandemic, an election & an insurrection:
A rabbi & his wife modeled the power of giving, as they traveled the United States by RV. They've been on a quest to better understand and support the distinct needs of local communities, while meeting heroes of everyday life. The couple has returned safely.
Tour To The Wonderful
Podcast Episodes

Week 1

Week 1

Week 1
The Beginning

Week 2

Week 2

Week 2

Week 2
On The Road

Heading West

Week 4

Week 4

Week 4

Week 4
"As we traveled the country meeting people, we kept our audio recorder on, with the hope of capturing some treasures. In each episode you will meet many of the same people we met and learn of their challenges and hear their insights. If you were visited on the tour, your name will appear in the credits, even if your voice did not make the final cut. We think you will enjoy the listen. THanks for joining us on Tour To The Wonderful" - Rabbi Jeff and Mindy Glickman
Episode 1 The Tour Begins
Episode 2 Life Front & Center
Episode 3 The Only Normal People I Know
Episode 4 The World As It Is
Episode 5 Distant Relatives
Episode 6 Reunion
Episode 7 The Rest Is History
TTTW Newsletter, issue #1 - In this issue we: meet June, a woman who moved to a new home; learn about GLeE-Give Locally, Everywhere - a new initiative that promotes joining remote congregations while expanding our circles of awareness, making distant places local to us.
TTTW Newsletter, issue #2 - In this issue we've started the trek through the deep South. When the expedition started people started to give us money to distribute. We labeled this AOK, acts of kindness. Read about who some of the AOK recipients are. Amongst many delightful people we meetup with Joel from storm torn Lake Charles, Louisiana.
TTTW Newsletter, issue #3 - In this issue we meet some real heroes and ask: "Who should be honored? We found the Talmud has a great answer, "One who honors others." Talmud, Avot 4:1; Read about Free Little Pantries, and how the entire Jewish South came together to build a summer camp.
TTTW Newsletter, issue #4 - Read about Southern congregations, being at The Alamo days after the insurrecton in Washington DC, then visiting a historical site explaining The Pony Express. We continue St. Joseph, Missouri, where Rabbi Jeff served as rabbi over a quarter of a century ago.
TTTW Newsletter, issue #5 - Read about why we did this trip, what we learned. Meet the bride and groom who' shoneymoon was crashed by a meshuganeh Rabbi and his wife.
TTTW Newsletter, phase II, bonus issue #1 Read words from the virtual participants, and more trivia from the road.
TTTW Newsletter, phase II, bonus issue #2
COMING SOON -From their home base, the Glickmans are donating to United Way branches, ACLU affiliates and National Public Broadcasting stations across the USA. Read the stories in this upcoming issue.
Homeward bound
From The Blog
Coincidence? I Think Not!
Why do we do this?
Pony Express Vs. The Alamo
There Are Jews Here - A Message from Stephaine Butler
Jacob's Camp
Along for the Ride
Real Heroes
Let's Go Fly a Kite
Bird Vs. Worm
Giving Locally, Everywhere
It's not good to be alone
HaKol - Joining Remote Congregations
Reflecting on the Events at the Capital
From Freezing to Sunshine
Tzedaka vs. Charity
TTTW In the News
The Snyder News 2021 March
Jewish Ledger 2021 March
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